Our Fundamentals
10 Fundamentals of the Faith
- The Deity of Christ. Colossians 2:9, John 10:28-30 ♦ Jesus Christ was and is God. Any time there is a reference to Jesus, remember that He is God.
- God is a Trinity. (Three in one). I John 5:7, John 1:1,14. ♦ It is very difficult to understand how God can be three and one at the same time. God is only one but has three offices.
- The Bible is God’s Word. II Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 4:12. ♦Every time the Bible is studied, the Christian should remember it is the Word of God and it should be reverenced.
- Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ. Matthew 1:18, Isaiah 7:14. ♦Jesus was born of the virgin Mary and did not have an earthly father. If Jesus had an earthly father, he would have had a sin nature and would not have qualified to be our savior. Jesus’ Father was and is God.
- Salvation is only through the death (shed blood) of Jesus Christ. Ephesians 1:7, Ephesians 2:13, Colossians 1:14. ♦It is essential that each person understand there is no salvation at any time except through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
- Indwelling of the Holy Spirit. John 14:17, John 15:26. ♦The Holy Spirit of God dwells within each saved person, giving him eternal security and access to God.
- The Local Church. I Timothy 3:15, I Corinthians 12:14-27. ♦The body of Christ is revealed through local New Testament churches. When studying the Bible, a church should be seen as Christ’s body, not just individual members.
- Second Coming. I Thessalonians 4:16-17. John 14:1-4. ♦Just before Jesus left the Earth, He promised his apostles that he would return for them.
- Eternal Security of the saved person. Romans 8:38-39, Ephesians 4:30. ♦God has secured the saved person by writing down his name in Heaven and sealing him with the Holy Spirit of God.
- God created Heaven and Earth. Hebrews 11:3, Psalm 33:6-9. ♦God spoke the world into existence by His power.